Sunday, September 28, 2008

Largest Prime Number - 13 Million digits long

I couldn't resist but to post this in my technology blog after reading this article on largest prime number. This story was originally posted by Avik Nandy on the Science News Online on Sept 20th.

The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) a project that used volunteer computers to hunt for primes has discovered this number. As mentioned in this article, Printing out all the 13 million digits in 12-point type would create a number that is 30 miles long !!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Oracle Open World - Surprise, Surpise its Hardware

After two days and two keynote sessions by Charles Phillips and Thomas Kurian nothing major came out other than Oracle Beehive. Going into the third day, i was wondering what Larry will come up with. I was speculating about new acquisitions or Fusion Apps update or How Oracle is doing so great even in this economy. To the contrary its all about Database and Performance.

To my surprise and almost all of the audience he has unveiled Oracle's First Hardware product " HP Oracle Database Machine" , Oracle Exadata Storage Server. He has mentioned that it has been in R & D with HP for three years. Quite evident from the presentation that he is going after data warehousing companies Teradata and Netezza. I was wondering what might have been going through the minds of these competitors as soon as announced this product. He did add humour to his announcement by comparing this to 1400 'iPods'. After the Keynote there were some impressive demo sessions conducted demonstrating the capabilities

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Run Time Exceptions in BPEL

BPEL processes need to be designed to handle runtime faults. These can handled using the "faultHandler" construct. Oracle has published very good and detailed technote on fault handling.

Fault handling framework with patch added feature to handle exceptions at invoke activity. These new features are documented in the release notes under "Fault Management Framework"

Default fault policies need to be created under the directory $ORACLE_HOME/domain/config/fault-policies. This default fault policy will catch all the faults and passes them back to the process step that raises it.